Mingo, Isabella

Mingo, Isabella, Researcher of Social Statistic, professor of Methodology and Techniques of Social Research and of Statistical Data Source and Social and Cultural Indicators at Faculty of Communication Science University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Since 1986 she has been scientific director of C.I.S.C. (Informatics Center of Sociology and Communication), Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Rome “La Sapienza”. She is author or contributor of books and articles about methods of multivariate analysis applied at social research. Most recent publications include E-society: strumenti e percorsi di analisi delle Regioni nella societa in rete (with P. Di Nicola)(2005); Dai dati all’informazione: strumenti per l’analisi secondaria (with A. Mussino e S. Mezzabotta) (2007).

Email: isabella.mingo@uniroma1.it

Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/mingo_isabella    2007-08-21
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