Patron: President of Austria, Dr. Heinz Fischer

KCTOS: Knowledge, Creativity and
Transformations of Societies

Vienna, 6 to 9 December 2007

<<< Asien und deutsche sowie österreichische Kunst und Literatur um die Jahrhundertwende: Einflüsse und Bedeutung


The Asia Reception in Hermann Hesse' and Hesse Reception in Asia Centering on Hesse's work "Siddhartha"

Cho Chang Hyun (Chung ang University, Seoul) [BIO]





My research aims to clarify not only the Asia Reception in Hesse’s work, Siddhartha, but also Hesse reception in Asia and its aesthetic meaning.

My paper handles not a description of the history of literary reception, but the aesthetic meaning of reception of Hesse's work "Siddhartha" in Asia.

With such intentions, this research will be characterized by the following elements and Descriptions:


Patron: President of Austria, Dr. Heinz Fischer

KCTOS: Knowledge, Creativity and
Transformations of Societies

Vienna, 6 to 9 December 2007