Patron: President of Austria, Dr. Heinz Fischer

KCTOS: Knowledge, Creativity and
Transformations of Societies

Vienna, 6 to 9 December 2007

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Teaching English at the Culturology Faculty

Olga Orlova (State Academy of Slavic Culture, Moscow, Russia)





The problems of teaching English at the Culturology Faculty are connected with the complexity of the field of culture and the abundance of the dubious cultural terms.

Culture is a thing that gives meaning to a person and consequently considered a system of cognition, connected with a certain ethnic group. At the basis of every culture there is a personal system of meanings of things, social stereotypes, mental schemes.

There is a tight connection between the words of the language and the extra linguistic factors. The differences in the semantic fields of the languages partly account for the differences in cultures. The interconnection of the language and culture structures is defined by the objective reality and the concrete person, his demands in language and culture learning, which constantly grow and interlink.

As A. P. Chekov wrote “The more developed the culture is, the richer is the language. The number of words and their combinations strongly depend on the amount of impressions and imaginations”.

Forming an image with the help of words people sometimes don’t take into account their hidden meaning. The cognition of forms and meanings by different cultures representatives varies, so it is necessary to transfer from one level of cognition to another while teaching foreign language lexics.



Patron: President of Austria, Dr. Heinz Fischer

KCTOS: Knowledge, Creativity and
Transformations of Societies

Vienna, 6 to 9 December 2007