The Unifying Aspects of Cultures


Twentieth-Century Austrian Authors as Examples of the Unifying Aspect of Cultures

Paul Dworak (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Hofmannsthal, Zweig and Roth: The Concept of "Mitteleuropa"

Hofmannsthal, Zweig and Roth represent three of the most prominent of Austrian authors from the first third of the twentieth century who experienced directly the demise of the Habsburg Empire. Confronted with issues of Austrian identity, nationalism, and Pan-Germanism during the period of the waning years of the Habsburg Empire up to the rise of National Socialism and the Anschluß, these authors developed their personal conceptions of individual, group, and extended identity within Austria-Hungary and its fractured remnants. Texts, such as Hofmannsthal's essays, Zweig's Die Welt von gestern, and Roth's "Büste des Kaisers," will serve as the basis for formulating a more general understanding of the concept of "Mitteleuropa."