Hatice Cubukcu

Hatice Cubukcu got her BA and MA degrees from Hacettepe University, Ankara, Dept. of English Language and Literature,  Ph.D,  Istanbul University in the field of Linguistics (2001). Local secretary for the Cambridge University English Certificate program (UCLES)(1990–1995). Vice director of Center for Foreign Languages of Çukurova University (2004-2006). Also, faculty member at the ELT dept. of Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey, since 1995. Currently  teaching  Linguistics, English and American Literature (undergarduate courses ) and, Communication and Discourse Analysis, Sociolinguistics in the postgraduate program.

The areas of research interests are: Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics and Conversation Analysis. Some titles from her recent  papers are: Towards a dynamic model of ınterpersonal communication (2005), Poweracts: towards the fourth layer in conversation (2005), Being powerful and polite in conversation (2005), Gender ideology in ELT coursebooks in Turkey (2006), Analyzing wedding invitations as a genre (2006).

Email: cubukcuh@yahoo.com

Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie


Beyond the borders of the speech communities: Construction of identity as a ‘member’ of the ‘global’ academic discourse community (17.Nr.)

Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/cubukcu_hatice    2010-02-11
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