
VUNW: Innovations


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The history of humanity is characterised by innovation. Because of these innovations new possibilities have been created for food, housing, mobility, a longer life (on average), but also for destruction.

These innovations are accompanied again and again by great social upheavals. At present they contain the possibility to feed all human beings, to allow for (meaningful) employment, and to protect them against sickness etc. But even in Centrope there is grave poverty and mass unemployment. A new form of military force defines international relations after 1989, although the virtual chances for a new culture of peace in Europe have increased qualitatively through he project „European Union“.

Education is a key concept to overcome social problems in this context. But education alone cannot get rid of mass unemployment. Rather, there is in all „rich“ countries a high level of unemployed academics. What is needed additionally to the new education are other possibilities to create or to become part of production structures. In this context one needs to understand innovation in a new way and to create new frameworks:

With these and other measures there are good chances to eliminate the mass unemployment, to reduce the load on the budget, and to allow for social justice.



Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/vunw/innovationen.htm  2006-11-14
© INST 2006   Webmeister: Gerald Mach