The Contemporaneousness of the Non-Contemporaneous

INST-Conference from 6 to 8 December 2002
Coordinator (Announcements of Sections/Workshops): Herbert Arlt
Deadline for Titles and Abstracts: 31 October 2002
Contribution (Plenary Sections): max. 10 Minutes
Contribution (Workshop): max. 20-30 Minutes
Conference fee (Meals and coffee breaks, theater ticket, ticket for public transportation for the duration of the Conference, Conference documents): 110 EUR (per day: 40 EUR for meals and Conference documents)
Place: Austria Center, Vienna

Publication: TRANS

Complete information
(Introductory texts, Announcements, Support, Organization, Overview of the Total Project)

Programm (Acrobat Reader, 930 KB) Programm (Word-RTF, 108 KB)

1. . About the Conference | 2. Structure of the Conference | 3. Plenary sections | 4. Sections/Workshops

1. 1. About the Conference

Like the Conference "Multilingualism, Transnationality, Humanities" from 6 to 9 December 2001, the Conference "The Simulaneity of the Unsimultaneous" will serve as preparation for the big Conference "The Unifying Aspects of Cultures," to be held from 7 to 9 November 2003 in the Austria Center in Vienna.

If the preparatory Conference in the year 2001 was concerned with reaching agreement on the foundations of linguistic communication in terms of multilingualism, the INST-Conference in the year 2002 will focus on working out the subject. In doing so, the aim is not to examine the proposed topics for the sections in 2003 as such, but to work out contextual commonalities and diversities. On this basis a solid and practical macro-structure will be developed for the 2003 conference.

The Conference itself is a transdisciplinary Conference. For that reason, not only are scholars and researchers from the most varied disciplines being invited to participate, but also artists, teachers, journalists, politicians and others, who are concerned with knowing about cultural processes and their representations.

2. Structure of the Conference

The full assembly is proposed for the presentation of the basic elements of the Conference: the Introduction, the Plenary Sections, the Workshops and the presentations of results in the assembly. Up to seven hours are planned for the presentation of the Workshop results.

The difference in the speaking times results from the limitations caused by combining the Workshops and the full assembly. Ten minutes are scheduled for contributions in the Plenary Session and 20 to 30 minutes for those in the Workshops. The results of the Workshops (6/7 December 2002) will be presented in the full assembly on 8 December 2002.

The basic idea is to organize the Conference in such a way that all participants will be allowed to give talks, if they wish to do so, and not just contribute to the discussions. This will be made possible by the great number of sections and the many reports to the full assembly as well as publication in the WWW.

On the basis of this background, the following structure of the Conference is proposed:

3. Plenary Sections


Plenary Speeches

Knut Ove Arntzen (Bergen/Norway): Nomadism Today
Jorge Bauer (Buenos Aires): Technology and Time [Abstract]
Walter Weyers (Memmingen): Theater and City [Abstract]
Ulf Birbaumer (Wien): Theater Anthropology, Ethnic Scene Making and Concepts of Time
Larissa Cybenko (Lviv/Lemberg): "For the unities of this Time, into which other times leap, there is no measure." The Psychological Perception of Time in the Works of Ingeborg Bachmann
David Simo (Yaounde): Travel into the Foreign as a Trip into One's Own Past or the Foreign as a Visualization of One's Buried or Suppressed Self
Naoji Kimura (Tokyo/Regensburg): The Divided Continent Eurasia
Boris M. Gombac (Ljubljana): Concepts of Time and the History of Trieste
Bachyt Spikbajewa: Time Differences in Kazakhian and German
Arne Haselbach (Vienna): On Forcing Time out of Thinking

Reports of Sections and Workshops

4. Sections/Workshops

Additional proposals requested
Speaking time: 20 Minutes
Reports on the Workshops in the full assembly 5 to 15 minutes, according to the size of the section

  Comparative Cultural Studies

  The Same in Different Form


  Culture and Civilization

  Languages, "Translations" and Processes of Knowledge

  Cultural Research and Models

  Views, Ways of Thinking, Cultural Transmission and Cultural Processes

  Economy and Cultures

  Remembered Cultures and Narrations

  "Imre Kertész" - The Constant Contemporaneousness of a Catastrophe beyond Time and Space




WEBDESIGN: Peter R. Horn
LAST UPDATE: 2002-12-02