AutorInnenverzeichnis I

Cultural-Religious Sources of Messianic Extremism and its Evolution in Post-Colonial Times (16.Nr.)
Idemudia, Erhabor Sunday
(University of Limpopo – Turfloop Campus, South Africa) [BIO]
Report: Culture,
Psychosocial Disorders and Mental health: An African Perspectives

(15.Nr.)Mental Health and Psychotherapy
‘through’ the Eyes of Culture: Lessons for African Psychotherapy


Report: Innovation and Reproduction in Black Cultures and Societies: A comparative Dialogue and Lessons for the Future (16.Nr.)

Global movement and health potential of black migrants in Germany: A study of mental health indices using MMPI (16.Nr.)

Section report 8.4.: Knowledge, Creativity and Transformation in Developing and Developed Societies (17.Nr.)

Ifukor, Presley A.
(Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück) [BIO]
Globalisation and Text Technology in African Languages (16.Nr.)
“Den B`sen sind sie los, die B`sen sind geblieben” – Goethe’s De-Christianization of the Devil in Bulgakov’s Faust Novel and in “Sympathy for the Devil” by the Rolling Stones (17.Nr.)
Imankulova, M.T.
(Kyrgyz Republic) [BIO]
The Experience of a professional Training in social Pedagogy in Kyrgyzstan (17.Nr.)
Ingrisch, Doris (Wien) [BIO] Beruf, Karriere, Wissenschaft und Gender. Ein Beziehungsgeflecht (16.Nr.)
The Sociolinguistic and Educational Approach
of Romanian Migration
L’éducation interculturelle
par les cours de FLE
Ion, Daniela
(Voluntari, Ilfov County, Romania)
Educational Alternatives in Communities
with Predominantly Roma Population in Romania
Ipsen, Guido (Dortmund) Semiotics of Cultural Interfacing
Language and Political Economy: A historical perspective from Kenya (17.Nr.)
Irimia, Mihaela
(University of Bucharest)
‘… to me/ High mountains
are a feeling’
(15.Nr.)Report: Spreading the Word: Texts and the Text (16.Nr.)

Our Demotic Augustinianism, a Pattern Launched by the 18th-Century Novel (16.Nr.)

Irschik, Elisabeth
(Wien) [BIO]
Steuerungsmechanismen in der Orts- und Wohnbauentwicklung am Beispiel der Gemeinde Brunn am Gebirge – Ideen versus Realisierung (15.Nr.)
Das Dreiecksnetz: Gauß und die japanische Landvermessung in der Meiji-Zeit (17.Nr.)
Işçi, Sedat
(Ege University, Izmir) [BIO]
The Experience of the Early Turkish Immigrants in the USA: Memory, Conflict and Cooperation (16.Nr.)

Section report 3.5.: Re-written Literatures Transforming Texts, Transforming Cultures (17.Nr.)

Dogs are considered a “taboo” in Malay/Muslim societies, or are they? (A personal perspective) (18.Nr.)
Sektionsbericht 7.1.: Kreativität und Gedächtniskulturen (17.Nr.)

Fiktivität und Kreativität des kollektiven Gedächtnisses – zu Maurice Halbwachs’ Freud-Rezeption (17.Nr.)

Linguistic Universalia – linguistic Eurobridge!? (16.Nr.)
Ito, Rika
(St. Olaf College, MN USA)
BOKU or WATASHI: Variation in self-reference terms among Japanese children (16.Nr.)
Psalmanazar’s Formosa: A Pseudo-Historical Narrative and Multiple Identity Games (17.Nr.)
Werbekompetenz bei Kindern: Werbung im Fernsehen (17.Nr.)
Von der Subsprache zur Subkultur (16.Nr.)
2 + zwei = ? Sprachspezifische
Einflüsse auf die mentale Zahlenverarbeitung
The Acquisition of a Birthplace, or Orchestrating Flaubert (17.Nr.)